SCIM Integration
By setting up a SCIM integration, you can ensure all new employees are added in auto-enrolled training and phishing simulations. There are 2 key steps to setting up your SCIM integration:
Get your secret token
Complete setup in your AD portal
First, get your secret token
Step 1: Create a new SCIM Setting
Go to Company > Company Settings > SCIM Settings page. Click the ‘+New’ button to create a SCIM setting.
Step 2: Map a Field (Optional)
Some of our customers add custom fields to add information in addition to email, first name, last name, department and phone number. If you would like to set this up click here, otherwise you can skip.
Step 3: Group Settings
Group Name: If you would like to synch all users to one target group please select the group here. You can leave empty and group by department instead.
Group By: Synchronize users by their Department or Custom Mapped Field. Please leave this empty if you want to synchronize users to only one group.
The users who don’t have mapped information will be synchronized to the target group that is chosen
Step 4: Copy your Secret Token
Click Save and make sure to copy the unique token information.
✅ You can now use the following shortcuts to complete the final settings on your identity provider platform.
Last updated