Diagnostic Tool

In standard Windows, the MS Outlook service does not support monitoring and reporting the functionality of the installed add-ins on it. This service has been developed in order to monitor and report whether Keepnet Outlook add-in functions properly or not.

Using this service, system administrators will be aware of the potential environment-based errors which could affect the Keepnet Outlook Phishing Reporter add-in not functioning properly and be able to take action.

Downloading Diagnostic tool

Go to Phishing Reporter > Settings > Diagnostic Tool to download the diagnostic tool.

Configure the following settings:

  • Proxy Settings: Enable proxy settings for the Diagnostic Tool to go internet through a proxy.

  • Optional Settings: Select if you want the Diagnostic Tool to check the Phishing Reporter add-in and enable it automatically if disabled.

Once you're happy with your settings, click Download under the diagnostic tool. Then follow the steps below to install the service.


There are two options to install the service, either install it on your computer or deploy the service to thousands of users' computers using centralized software distribution tools.

Normal installation

  • Click on the MSI package to install it on your computer.

  • Click the Next button and continue with the default settings.

  • Click the Yes button to finish the installation.

Silent Installation

You can use the following commands for silent installation and removal.

Once the installation is complete, you can confirm that the diagnostic tool has been installed by going to Phishing Reporter > Users and looking under the Diagnostic tool column.

This column will show one of the following in the table below.

Understand Diagnostic Tool information

To view the Diagnostic Tool information, go to Phishing Reporter > Users and look under the Add-in Status column. When hovering the mouse over this column under the desired user, you will see the following information below.

The Diagnostic Tool has been successfully installed, operated and can communicate with the platform to help you obtain Phishing Reporter status information for all target users.


For troubleshooting purposes, you can provide the support team with the log and configuration files, which can be found in the following path on the user's computer.

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Keepnet Labs\KeepnetLabs Phishing Reporter Diagnostic Service

Tutorial Video

This video tutorial explains how to customize the Diagnostic Tool service and download it.


Q: Some users have the add-in enabled, but they seem offline on the interface. Why?

A: If the add-in is installed and active, but seems Offline, then the Outlook application is closed. If Outlook is still running, but it is still Offline, it means that there is a communication problem between the add-in and the platform. You can easily detect this problem from the logs created by the add-in on the user's computer or get support from our support team.

Q: How do I know if the add-in is disabled by the user or by Outlook?

A: If you see the “Inactive" notification, then it is disabled by the user. If it says “Disabled", it means that it is disabled by Outlook. You can also verify this from the interface of user’s Outlook Desktop in the File > Options > Add-Ins window.

Q: Can I have different teams log into the Keepnet Portal and see only the Outlook detail report page?

A: With the user role feature, you can authorize your users with custom permissions.

Last updated

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