This section provides details of the resources available on the Awareness Educator > Enrollments page. These include the ability to review or edit the details of training reports and the users who are enrolled, view the status of enrolled users (completed, not completed, in progress), and access report functions.
Table Layout
The table layout of the Training Library page is explained below. Understand the details of each column in the training library page.
Enrollment Name | Name of the enrollment. |
Type | In All Types category, select the type of training and filter:
Meterial Name | Name of the original training file, for example, the name of the initially uploaded ZIP file for training, posters, and other materials. |
Category | Category used to classify the training topic |
Target Audience | Target audience for the training item |
Languages | Languages made available for the training item |
Enrolled By | Company name that is created the training item |
Start Date | Date and time the enrollment item was created |
Status | The status of the training item.
Delivery | The number of successful and undelivered training emails. For more information, please view the report and go to the Sending Report menu. |
Delivery Type | The enrollment has been sent via email only or email + SMS together. |
Target Users | The User Groups option indicates that the training item has been launched to target groups. The By Campaign option indicates that the training item has been launched based on a phishing campaign report. |
Tags | Tags assigned to the training item to facilitate search efforts |
Actions > Send | Immediately send the training enrollment without waiting the scheduled date and time. |
Actions > Edit | Customize the settings like the training reminder frequency, auto-enrollment setting, and mark the item as a test, among other options. |
Actions > Stop | For the users who haven't received the training yet, you can stop training delivery for those users. |
Actions > Auto-Enroll | Disable the auto-enroll feature and stop the training email to be sent to the newly added users in the selected target group. |
Actions > Stop Reminder | Disable and stop reminder emails being sent to the users who didn't complete the training. |
Actions > Preview | Preview the training meterials. |
Actions > Delete | It will be stored in the archive for one month before being automatically and permanently deleted. You can restore before one month from the Enrollments > Trash menu. |
Filtering Opitons | Use the filtering options:
How to View Training Report
You can see user engagements with training content. On the Enrollments page, simply select an enrollment and click the View Report button to access enrollment statistics. The training reports help you to understand employees' enrollment status, completion rates, and many more statistics, which help you plan future security awareness training improvements.
Please click here for more information about training reports.
Video Tutorial
This tutorial provides details of the resources available on the Awareness Educator > Enrollments page.
Q: Can I stop an Enrollment?
A: Yes, you can permanently stop ongoing enrollment.
Q: Where can I find more information about the training report?
A: Click here to go to the training report documentation.
Q: What happens if I delete the training enrollment report?
A: The training report will be moved to the "Trash" menu in the enrollment page for 30 days before it's deleted by the system permanently. After the enrollment is deleted, the target users won't be able to view the training as well and the other settings (reminder, auto-enroll etc) will no longer work for that training enrollment.
Last updated