White Labeling

White labeling is the rebranding of a product or service. Distributors and MSP partners can create a unique, customized corporate identity for the platform, including the company name, platform access URL, platform logos, notification template logos, footer links, and many other fields.

How to White Labeling

After logging in to the platform, select Company > Company Settings from the left sidebar menu. Click the White Labeling tab. Here, you can select various customization options and save your choices by clicking the Save Changes button at the bottom of the window.

To return to the default settings at any time, click the Reset to Default button on the right at the bottom of the window.

Available Fields for White Labeling

This feature is only available to customize for "Reseller" role system users. The system users who have the "Company Admin" role cannot customize this high-level customization.

Please contact your Reseller if you are not able to customize white labeling.

Video Tutorial

This video tutorial will explain how to use the white labeling feature on the platform.


Q: I am a reseller and I have white labeled the platform, will my customers use my brand when they log in to the portal?

A: Yes, if you have white labeled the platform, all of your customers will only see your brand when they log in to the platform.

Q: I am a reseller who would like to white label the platform for multiple customers. Is that possible?

A: Yes, a reseller may white label the platform for each customer individually. There is no limit.

Last updated

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