Why is REST API Needed?

This section explains the potential benefits available with the use of a REST API.

REST API allows you to configure the integration between the platform and other products, export all the data you see on the platform and add data to the platform with supported API requests. A REST API configuration will enable you to efficiently run and manage almost every function on the product off-platform.


You can view, edit, or delete any API configurations at the Company > Company Settings > Rest API page.

How to Configure a REST API

Go to Company > Company Settings > REST API from the platform menu. Then click the + NEW button to create a new REST API. The components of the REST API edit page are explained in detail in the table below.

Video Tutorial

This tutorial explains the potential benefits available with the use of a REST API.

Use Cases

Use the address below to access the Swagger interface and authorize with client_id and client_secret information in order to use the endpoints, as described in these use case scenarios.

Use Case 1: SOAR Integrations

API integration with your security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solutions enables you to respond more efficiently to harmful emails.

If the Incident Responder API endpoints are integrated with your current SOAR products, such as antivirus, firewall, endpoint detection, and response, proxy services, etc., it will save valuable time in the response to a potential threat via API endpoints in comparison with a manual investigation of a reported email.

Use Case 2: IAM - IDM Integration (​​User provisioning)

Identity and access management is critical to success; however, manually uploading target user information to the platform is a laborious, time-consuming process. I Using the platform's API pool makes it possible to automatically perform tasks such as creating, updating, or deleting a target user.

Use Case 3: Password Management

The passwords of the system users registered with the platform must be changed at designated intervals. If your company does not support SAML integration, system users' passwords can be changed periodically using the platform's API pool.

Use Case 4: SIEM Integration

The actions of all system admin users and service accounts on the platform are recorded in audit logs for auditability and accountability.

You can transfer the audit logs to your SIEM product in real-time to manage and see audit logs on the SIEM product. You can either do it with REST API or from the Web Interface.


Q: I have an identity management (IDM) solution, can user provisioning be performed in real-time with the platform?

A: Yes. The API Target User can facilitate secure and effortless management of user information. You can find additional information on the API documentation.

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