Onelogin SCIM Integration
The document show step by step how to synchronize users' information from the Onelogin identity provider to the platform.
Please make sure to set up the mandatory settings from the ‘Getting Started’ page in this document before proceeding to the following step.
Onelogin Configuration
Please log in to as an admin user.
Click on Applications and click Add App on the top of the screen.
Search ‘SCIM Provisioner with SAML (SCIM v2 Enterprise)' and click on the Add button.
Enter a name for the application like My SCIM Integration and click on the Save button.
Once you have successfully created the application, enter the application details and go to the Configuration menu and enable the API Connection.
Tenant URL:
SCIM JSON Template: Please fill up this field with the following code.
{ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": { "department": "{$parameters.department}", "manager": { "managerId": "{$parameters.external_manager_id}", "displayName": "{$user.manager_firstname} {$user.manager_lastname}" } }, "active": "{$}", "emails": [ { "value": "{$}", "type": "work", "primary": true } ], "meta": { "resourceType": "User" }, "name": { "familyName": "{$user.lastname}", "givenName": "{$user.firstname}", "formatted": "{$user.display_name}" }, "userName": "{$parameters.scimusername}", "id": null, "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ] }
SCIM Bearer Token: Enter the token which was created on the platform.
Click on the Save button the proceed.
Go to the Provisioning menu and enable the following options under the Workflow title.
Enable Provisioning.
Create User
Delete User
Update User
OneLogin configuration has been successfully finished. You can proceed with the following step.
Synchronization Users or Groups
You can find how to synchronize users or groups from here under the ‘Provisioning Users into Groups’ title.
Last updated
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