Dashboard Widgets

The widgets available will vary depending on your license type, role, and permissions.

Any actions you take will only be valid for your system users. Other users will see their own settings.

Dashboard Actions

Edit Dashboard

You can add, remove, or relocate a widget by clicking on the Edit Dashboard button at the top right. Once you have made the change, click Save Changes.

Available widgets might vary depending on your license type, role, and permission.

Add Widgets

Select the widget you want from the Edit Dashboard > Add Widgets menu and click Save Changes to confirm the action.

You'll find newly added widgets at the bottom of the page.

Remove Widgets

When you click Edit Dashboard, an ‘X’ icon will be visible at the top right of each widget. Click the ‘X’ to delete a widget and click Save Changes to confirm the action.

Relocate Widgets

Click the Edit Dashboard button and drag and drop the widget to the desired location. Click Save Changes to confirm the action.

All the actions you take on the relevant page will only be valid for your system users. The other system users on the platform will see their default settings.

Last updated

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