14 January
New Features:
Added support for Slovak, Slovenian, and Croatian languages, with Preferred Language automatically set based on the selected country.
Added a new widget, "Phishing Simulation Repeat Offenders Rate" to help analyze and visualize repeat offender percentages effectively.
Added functionality to capture and analyze redirect URLs in Incident Responder.
Adjusted spacing in Executive Reports widgets to prevent overlapping in legends and Y-axis percentage labels.
Updated status in Awareness Educator Users tab for posters and infographics from Completed to Downloaded to ensure consistency.
Updated Anyrun status handling to mark queued or quota-exceeded URLs as Undetected instead of Error.
Improved Learning Path Summary Users tab by refining status updates, removing irrelevant filter options, hiding the Current Step column by default, and updating old records to mark incomplete users as In Progress.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue in Gamification Reports where attempting to view user details resulted in a 500 error.
Fixed UI issue in Google User Provisioning where buttons and footer overlapped groups when the number of groups increased.
Fixed issue with company logos not displaying correctly in notification templates by removing SVG support and converting existing SVG logos to supported formats like PNG.
Last updated