Callback Campaign Reports

This section describes the basic functionalities of callback campaign reports, which you can find from the Callback Simulator > Campaign Manager menu.

View Report Details

To view the details of a callback campaign report, navigate to the Callback Simulator > Campaign Manager menu. Then, select the Instance button for the campaign you want to review, and click on Action followed by View Report.


The Summary provides a brief synopsis of the callback scenario and options for further action.

Download Report

A .xlsx format version of the callback campaign report is available for download by clicking the Download Report button.

Resend Campaign

Resend the callback scenario to the same target user group with the same settings by clicking the Resend Campaign button.

Summary Widgets

This section provides the opportunity to display the results of the campaign in a useful pie chart presentation.

No Response

The number and percentage of target users who did not take any action in response to the callback email.

Opened Email

The number and percentage of target users who opened the callback email

Called Back

The number of target users who called the simulation phone number listed on the simulation email.

Entered Digits

The number of target users who submitted their credentials on the call.

Campaign Info

Target Users

The total number of users selected to receive the callback campaign email.

Campaign Lifetime

The date and time the callback campaign will be terminated. No additional data will be processed in the callback report after the expired date.


Language used in the callback scenario.

Email Delivery

Delivery Start - End

The date and time the campaign was started and was/will be ended to complete sending the email to all selected users.


It shows how long it took to send the campaign email to all selected users.

Delivery Status

Out of the total number of chosen users, it displays how many of them successfully received the campaign email and how many did not. Please go to Sending Report menu to see more information.

Callback Scenarios

Scenario Info

This section displays general information about the content of the callback scenario. If you selected multiple scenarios, you can switch between them to preview.


Name of the callback scenario.


Difficulty level of the callback scenario (easy, medium, hard)


Language used in the callback scenario.

Email Template

This section displays details of the sender’s name, the difficulty level, and the callback scenario type sent to the target users.

You can preview the email template design of the callback scenario sent to the target users by clicking on the Preview button.

Callback Template

The difficulty, AI language or callback voice steps of the callback scenario sent to the target users are displayed here.

You can preview the callback template design of the callback scenario sent to the target users by clicking on the Preview button.

Top Menus


This section displays the information of the target users who opened the callback campaign email.

First Name

First name of the target user

Last Name

Last name of the target user

Email Address

Email address of the target user


Department of the target user

Last Opened

Date and time a target user last opened the callback email

Times Opened

Number of times a target user opened the callback email


The Resend button allows you to resend the same callback email.

The Details option shows the date and time a user opened the callback email, the user agent, browser information, geolocation, IP information, and other information.

Called Back

This section provides details of the target users who called the phone number back listed on the callback simulation email.

First Name

First name of the target user

Last Name

Last name of the target user

Email Address

Email address of the target user


Department of the target user

Scenario Name

Name of the callback scenario that is sent to user

Last Caller ID

The simulation phone number that is selected for the callback campaign.

Last Called Back

Last date and time that the user called back the phone number listed on the callback simulation email.

Times Called Back

Number of times the user called back the phone number listed on the callback simulation email.


The Resend button allows you to resend the same callback email.

The Details option shows the date and time a user opened the callback email, the user agent, browser information, geolocation, IP information, and other information.

Entered Digits

This section displays details of a target user who submitted data on the phone call.

First Name

First name of the target user

Last Name

Last name of the target user

Email Address

Email address of the target user


Department of the target user

Last Caller ID

The simulation phone number that is selected for the callback campaign.

Last Entered Digits

Last date and time that the user submitted credentials on the phone call.

Times Entered Digits

Number of times that the target user submitted data on the phone call.


The Resend button allows you to resend the same callback email.

The Details option shows the date and time a user opened the callback email, the user agent, browser information, geolocation, IP information, and other information.

No Response

This section displays the details of target users who did not take any action in response to the callback email.

First Name

First name of the target user

Last Name

Last name of the target user

Email Address

Email address of the target user


Department of the target user

Scenario Name

Name of the callback scenario that is sent to user

Email Send Date

Date and time that the callback email was sent to the target user


The Resend button allows you to resend the same callback email.


This section provides details of target users who reported callback emails using the phishing reporter add-in.

Additional information on the Phishing Reporter is available here.

First Name

First name of the target user

Last Name

Last name of the target user

Email Address

Email address of the target user


Department of the target user

Scenario Name

Name of the callback scenario that is sent to user

Last Reported

Date and time when a user reported the callback email using the phishing reporter add-in.

Times Reported

Number of times that a user reported the callback email using the phishing reporter add-in.


The Resend button allows you to resend the same callback email.

The Details option shows the date and time a user opened the callback email, the user agent, browser information, geolocation, IP information, and other information.

Sending Report

This section provides a summary report of the delivery of the callback email to the target users.

First Name

First name of the target user

Last Name

Last name of the target user

Email Address

Email address of the target user


Department of the target user

Date Last Send

Last date and time that the callback email sent to user.

Delivery Status

Status of the callback email sent to the target user

  • In Queue = The callback email is in the queue to be sent.

  • Successful = The callback email was sent successfully.

  • Error = An error occurred in the delivery of the callback email.

  • Cancelled = This user was eliminated as a target for this callback campaign.


The action buttons:

  • The Resend button allows you to resend the same callback email.

  • The Details button to see the detailed email delivery status.

Video Tutorial

This tutorial describes the basic functionalities of callback campaign reports.

Last updated

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